Copyright Notice and Disclaimer
International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO)
Liechtensteinstraße 25
Vienna, 1090
© International Cultural Diversity Organization 2018
Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated.
Terms of Use
- Disclaimer – Exclusion of Liability
The content provided here is for general information purposes. We assume no warranty/liability for the accuracy, currency, completeness and availability of the information/services offered. In particular, no legal claims arising from the use of the information and services accessed may be made. They cannot replace comprehensive legal advice.
References and links to other Internet sites have been carefully selected. However, their content, accuracy, currency, completeness and availability are beyond our control and we assume no warranty/liability therefor.
We reserve the right to amend, add to or delete information/services provided here or to suspend the website, completely or temporarily, at any time and without prior notice.
We make every effort to minimize any problems that may occur due to disruptions or incompatibilities when the information/services are accessed. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out that data and information on our website are not displayed or are displayed incorrectly. We assume no liability for our service being interrupted or impaired in any other way by disruptions.
- Intellectual Property
All content, the design/layout, and any sound and video sequences are protected by copyright. All rights therein are reserved by the copyright holder. No changes may be made.
Public use of the information/services may only be made with our consent and provided the source is named and made visible. Anyone is free to simply link to our content while at the same time indicating the source and no special permission is required to do so.
- Final Provisions
Use of the information/services is governed by Austrian law.
If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or do not fully comply with the current legal situation, the content and validity of the remaining parts shall remain unaffected.
Instead of an ineffective provision or to fill a gap, an appropriate legally permissible provision shall be used that comes as close as possible to what would have been intended in accordance with the intention and purpose of these Terms of Use if the partial invalidity or gap had been known.
Privacy Statement
The protection and security of your personal data are important to us. The website of the International Cultural Diversity Organization therefore stores and processes data solely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As a user, you consent to the processing of data in line with this declaration.
No personally identifiable data is automatically collected on the ICDO website. Likewise, no personal user profiles are created on the website unless donations are made to the organization.
Data that you provide to us via forms (such as contact forms, subscribing to/unsubscribing from newsletters, registering for events) is handled responsibly by our staff and used only in accordance with and for the purpose of the application.
At no time is this data disclosed to third parties.
Stored Data
The website stores and processes the following data when you visit our website:
Server Logs: The server logs store the visitor’s IP address along with data concerning the time of the inquiry, the destination of the inquiry, the volumes of data transferred, a report as to whether the inquiry was successful, identification data of the browser and operating system used, and the website from which access was made (if our website was accessed via a link). This data is used solely to check system security.
Cookies: Cookies are small text files stored on the visitor’s computer in order to recognize the visitor. The information contained in the cookies is primarily used for session control as well as for adaptability and usability. This helps us to optimize the user friendliness of our website. Users can manage the use of cookies themselves via their browsers and can delete cookies at any time. If you do not allow cookies, you can generally still use our website but your ability to use some features of our website may be limited.
WP Statistics: The website uses WP Statistics, which enables a statistical analysis of website use using cookies. To this end, usage information is sent; but you have the option to opt out of us using your information for these tracking purposes.
The International Cultural Diversity Organization endeavours to ensure access to its information and services for all. However, this is not always possible with the current technical means.
Photo Credit
All images are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the property of the International Cultural Diversity Organization.
E-mail Newsletter
The above information informs you of the contents of our newsletter as well as the statistical evaluation of your information as well as your right of objection. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to the registration and the procedures described.