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tiktok dancing challenge

ICDO’s TIkTok Dancing Challenge is a collaboration with 10 dancing groups, dancers, TikTokers and choreographers from around the world-Puerto Rico, Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Canada and Colombia.

September 10

ICDO’s TikTok Dancing Workshop & Challenge Launch

TikTok and Facebook

ICDO’s spectacular “Costumes of the World” project, featuring more than 180 traditional costumes from around the globe got a new dimension this year-fusion of music, dance and culture! ICDO’s TIkTok Dancing Challenge is a collaboration with 10 dancing groups, dancers, TikTokers and choreographers from around the world-Puerto Rico, Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Canada and Colombia.

From Balinese traditional dance to Filipino Kappa Malong-Malong and Slavonian traditional chants, all the participants presented their work, dancing moves and costumes at the ICDO’s TIkTok Dancing Workshop on September 10 hosted by ICDO President Josipa Palac and Project and Media Communications Manager Isidora Colic. 

Michael Providence, a TikToker with more than 1.7 M followers on TikTok and known better as @danceglitch joined ICDO’s crew and is using his platform for dancing with us for #safeguardingdiversity. Wearing a costume from a tribe in Nigeria, a hat that represents respect for the men and rapa, symbol of the tribe, Michael made us all stand up and follow his extremely unique moves and dancing style. 

Shivanata Tanzgruppe, a dancing group originally from Indonesia and based in Vienna has participated for years at ICDO’s Long Nights of Interculturality, showcasing the beauty and diversity of Indonesian culture to Viennese audiences. She opened the ICDO choreography with the Legong dance, found in the 19th century for the purposes of royal entertainment. Ms. Madelief says it takes years to master the Legong, a refined Balinese dance form characterized by intricate finger movements, complicated footwork, and expressive gestures and facial expressions.

When we think about teamwork and a passion to achieve the same goal-Les Mutins de Longueuil, a dancing group from Canada comes as a true example. Quebec’s migrant and diverse landscape influenced music style in the region and a specific type of dance JIG was created. JIG is a dance to impress people and to challenge them in showing their skills-what Les Mutins did for us wearing traditional hand crafted costumes. What do you need to imitate the moves? Only a bit of luck and a broom.

FA Sokadija brought us the spirit and beauty of Croatia and traditional costumes from the region of Slavonia special because of the golden embroidery – “zlatovez”. Although the steps are not that simple and are very characteristic for this region, it was easy to follow Sokadija choreographer Ivan’s manuals-especially for ICDO’s President coming originally from Croatia.

Kalinka, a group consisting of women brings us the spirit of Russian culture and ICDO is happy to collaborate with them for years on numerous events at the Long Nights of Interculturality 2021, including magnificent Gala dinners. Every dancer is wearing a different, hand-made costume, full of colors.

Breathtaking beauty of Sri Lanka was portrayed through elegant dancing moves and colorful costumes worn by two dancers representing Rivega Dance Studio. The dance is very feminine and the idea for the costumes comes from Shirijika rock area.

The workshop, as well as the choreography was closed by ENFiD Vienna Folklorico Filipino, ICDO’s partner in safeguarding diversity, who performed a Kappa Malong-Malong-dance from Southern Philippines. This dance is very special as it gives us insight into Marunong indigenous peoples’ culture, who use the Malong, a piece of cloth used as skirt, schal or cape while performing.

We also thank Ensalsate, a dancing group from Colombia and Cihan Girayhan from Turkey for participating at ICDO’s TikTok Dancing Challenge and sharing with us pieces of their colorful cultures.


How can you join?

  • Follow us on TikTok (
  • Record a duet or film yourself dancing a choreography
  • Post it on your social media and tag and your 3 favorite TikTokers
  • Invite your friends to join! It is time to dance!