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April 16, 2019 Bridging Diversity: Art and Expression Location: United Nations Headquarters, Vienna International Centre In the third phase of "Bridging Diversity: Bosnia and Herzegovina" ICDO organized a two-week art exhibition and essays reading in the UN Headquarters in Vienna. OBJECTIVE: Foster intercultural dialogue and provide a platform for freedom of expression and open communication between youth from three ethnicities in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina through art and writing. KEY STAKEHOLDERS: Youth from all three ethnicities (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), government officials, representatives from international organizations, students, educators and policymakers. In…
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By Projects
October 26 Bridging Diversity: Education Location: Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina Activities: Educational Workshops On the 26th of October 2018, ICDO launched the first phase of the long-term social and development project "Bridging Diversity: Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Trebinje, with the goal of development of cultural interaction between youth from three ethnicities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. OBJECTIVE: Foster intercultural dialogue and provide a platform for freedom of expression and open communication between youth from three ethnicities im post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina through specifically tailored workshops and training KEY STAKEHOLDERS: Youth from…
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