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Conserving, documenting and increasing wild and domesticated colonies of Melipona beecheii, a native stingless bee sacred to the Maya indigenous people in the Yucatan, through the empowerment of communities, the restoration of ecosystems and the awareness raising on a national and international level. The project will contribute to strengthening the bond between Maya and biodiversity by promoting their traditional knowledge and establishing sustainable conservation and local development strategies.


Melipona beecheii, a stingless bee endemic to the Yucatan, is a vital element not only in local ecosystems, but globally. Meliponas are the main pollinators of endemic plants and a living indicator of environmental health. Melipona numbers are declining at an alarming rate, threatening the survival of entire ecosystems and biodiversity especially in indigenous lands, the most diverse on the planet. She is central in Maya livelihoods and beliefs, and its honey is used in traditional medicine and customs.


The survival of Melipona is supported by meliponicultura, the technique of traditional beekeeping Maya communities have passed on for centuries. The conservation of Melipona and its habitats will be supported by the reintroduction of over 50 colonies in the wild, the creation of around 150 hives, the distribution of 400 cajas(boxes in which domesticated colonies reside),and the reforestation of 2000 indigenous plants. Involvement and education of more than 20 Maya communities in 3 workshops.

Long-Term Impact

Long-term impact will be: a) the conservation of Melipona beecheii and its habitats; b) the empowerment of communities and the preservation of their traditional ecological knowledge; c) the awareness-raising of indigenous knowledge systems for the safeguard of biodiversity and wildlife.