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By December 15, 2019October 15th, 2020Home page news, Project-Future

La Linea Negra: Photo Exhibition and Panel Discussion

⁣ICDO hosted the talk “The Black Line: Sacred Landscapes from La Sierra Nevada Santa Marta – Colombia” in collaboration with The Colombian Embassy and Weltmuseum Wien on November 16th, 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

The aim of the event was to gather non-indigenous society to listen to the message about protecting nature and our planet, transmitted by mamos, indigenous spiritual priests ⁣from Colombia.

The panel discussion featured:

  • Coque Gamboa, photographer
  • Andrea Altemüller, photographer
  • Katharina Heigl, photographer
  • Josipa Palac, ICDO President
  • Moderated by Claudia Augustat, curator of the South America collections at Weltmuseum Vienna


In 2013 Colombian photographer Coque Gamboa was invited to document the ritual of healing the Mother Earth-La Linea Negra which occurs every 50 years. For the first time ever, mamu invited someone from outside the community to witness and document this sacred ritual of healing nature.

Mamu, the spiritual leaders from la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, perceive us as their ‘Younger Brothers’ of humanity and as our ‘Elder Brothers’, they wanted to share their knowledge and wisdom with us. Gamboa’s photo collection follows mamu Francisco every step of the way, documenting how sacred landscape is regenerated, as well as how the connection between places, people, and ancestors is established.

Through the exquisite photographs of Jorge Coque Gamboa and the informative panel discussion, we were able to get a glimpse into the world of local Latin American indigenous communities and helped spread their message about healing the Mother Earth.

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