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long nights of interculturality 2022

ICDO is organizing the 5th edition of the”Long Nights of Interculturality”, one of the biggest cultural events in Vienna, Austria,  from 12th to 18th of September 2022.


Finally, after two years, we will be #SafeguardingDiversity together at the spectacular live events in the most prominent venues in Vienna, Austria!


Check all the events below. stay tuned and do not forget to register!

ICDO is honored that the annual, public festival, the Long Nights of Interculturality is under the patronage of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO for the fourth consecutive year.

Opening Ceremony & Costumes of the World

September 12th, Wiener Börsensäle

'Peace & Cultural Diversity' Panel Discussion & Musical Performance

September 13th, Bank Austria Salon im alten Rathaus

'Peace & Cultural Diversity' Art Exhibition

September 14th, Yunus Emre Institute

Virtual Panel Discussion ‘Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: Developing Diverse and Sustainable Future’

September 15th, Facebook Live

'Voices of Change' Virtual Panel Discussion

September 16th, Facebook live

VIP Gala Dinner & Closing Ceremony

September 17th, Palais Wertheim

'Diversity Around the World' Short Movies & Documentaries

September 18th, ICDO's YouTube Channel

Long Nights 2022 Partners

Long Nights 2022 Flyer

Apply & Volunteer

apply here

Call for Photographers/Videographers

apply here